General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR)

The Magic of Rotary

Consent for the processing of personal data, according to the new European Regulation on the protection of personal data (GDPR 2016/679/EU).

As a member of a Rotary Club Rome International that is a member of the District 2080 Association of Rotary International and Rotary International, members consent to the processing of personal data by the Association Rotary Club Rome International for the entire period of membership to the club, according to the new regulation on the protection of personal data (GDPR 2016/679/UE), for all institutional activities of the same Rotary Club Rome International.

The responsible for the Treatment of Personal Data will be the pro tempore President and Data Protecton Officer, as the legal representative of the  Association Rotary Club Rome International, and that the data will be archived with the Association of Rotary Club Rome International.

Data will be transmitted to Rotary International and the District 2080 Association of Rotary International which will manage it in accordance with the law for the purposes of Rotary association activities and membership. The Personal Data Processor, the pro tempore President and Data Protection Officer, in the capacity as legal representative of the Association of Rotary Club Rome International, may expressly authorize, under their  responsibility and in accordance with the directives of the associations bylaws and constitution, the board of the Association of Rotary Club Rome International and/or staff members, to use the data for institutional purposes,  and club’s activities limited to the scope of the Association.

In particular, to pursue Rotary Club Rome International Association’s activities

-membership registration

-membership dues

-membership attendance

-membership events

-membership meetings, committees

-clubs activities

The member data is provided to the District 2080 Association of Rotary and Rotary International for processing and payment of district fees and member statistics

Members receive all forms of communication using their e-mail address; telephone or messaging.

Use of  data is  for the purpose related exclusively to the activities of Rotary Club Rome International, the District 2080 Association of Rotary and Rotary International. The use of personal images is strictly for the purpose to promote the clubs activities within its promotional materials, internal and external communications and on its online digital channels.

Members Ihave the right to revoke this consent at any time they wish. In the event of revocation of the consent necessary for the Association of Rotary Club Rome International to pursue its institutional activities, all information will be removed immediately from the databases of Association of Rotary Club Rome International.